The Arrearage Management Program (AMP) provides financial assistance to eligible low-income customers with active accounts that have outstanding bills in arrears.
Natural Gas Financial Help - Residential - Massachusetts Gas - Liberty

Need help paying your utility bills?
We're here to help. We have payment and assistance options that may work for you. Available programs can be seen below.
If you are ever having trouble paying your bill on time, please let us know right away. We would like to work with you if you are having trouble with overdue bills.
Call us at 1-800-544-4944 to determine your eligibility for a payment agreement or for more information on other assistance options.
This federally funded program provides assistance to income-eligible customers.
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Administered by The Salvation Army, the Fund helps customers pay their energy bill — especially those in temporary financial crisis who may not qualify for other means of fuel assistance.
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Levelized Budget Billing helps make bills more manageable. Liberty will calculate your monthly payment based a rolling 12-month history. Since we recalculate your average each month, no balance settle-up or review is required.
You may be eligible for Special Protection from termination of service. Your natural gas service cannot be shut off if you meet certain eligibility requirements.