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Arrearage Management Program - Residential - Massachusetts Gas - Liberty

Arrearage Management Program (AMP)

Available to qualified residential customers in Massachusetts.

The Arrearage Management Program (AMP) provides financial assistance to eligible low-income customers with active accounts that have outstanding bills that are past due.

Liberty’s AMP Proposal:

The AMP by Liberty helps eligible low-income customers by allowing them to increase energy efficiency, develop a working budget and reduce debt. The AMP pays part of a customer's past due balance each time the customer makes a payment on their current balance payment plan. To qualify a customer must:

  1. be the Liberty customer of record for the account;
  2. be eligible for the discount rate;
  3. have a minimum of $300 past due;
  4. have a past due balance at least 60 days;
  5. not be shutoff for nonpayment;
  6. not be a landlord account (where tenants pay utilities to the landlord); and
  7. agree to participate in the Discount Rate

AMP Benefit

For customers with a past due balance of $300 or more, the Company forgives $400 monthly for each payment made on time (annual cap of $4,800 per participant), unless the remaining balance is less than $100. These credits are displayed as a separate line item on the customer’s bill.

Program Requirements

Customers approved for the AMP program must:

  1. Enter into a monthly payment plan that includes:
  • Current bill amount
  • Future projected bills for the term of the payment plan less any projected fuel assistance payments
  1. Pay the monthly amount agreed to in order to receive the monthly AMP credit
  2. Apply for, and agree to participate in, all other financial assistance programs available (e.g. fuel assistances, weatherization/conservation etc.)

Failure to pay the monthly amount agreed to will result in termination of the payment agreement. Any remaining AMP benefit will be forfeited. The AMP payment plan may be reinstated if all missed payments along with the current payments are made

How to Apply

You may apply for this program through our Contact Center at 1-800-544-4944.

Arrearage Management Program