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Events - Residential - Massachusetts Gas - Liberty

We Love Our Communities

We pride ourselves on being a good community partner. Whether we are out in the field or in the office, our customers and communities are always top of mind. Explore below to see the events we have had the privilege to participate in.

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Past Community Events 

  • The 39th Annual Fall River Holiday Parade kicked-off the holidays in Fall River, Massachusetts on Saturday, December 2nd. Liberty was honored to participate in such a fun community event. And for the first time, the Liberty MA team prepared a float for the parade. 

    A BIG thank you to the members of Local 369 who constructed the gingerbread house float and to the G.A.S. Squad and volunteers who helped decorate it. We would also like to thank the employees, friends, and family who marched in the parade and represented Liberty in the community.

  • On Sunday, September 10, Liberty MA held their second annual golf tournament to support the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Greater Fall River. This event featured 18 holes and handed out awards for lowest score, closest to the pin, and closest to the line. While the rain cut the tournament a little short, the fun and fundraising was unstoppable. Nearly 100 golfers teed off to support Liberty – Massachusetts. More impressive than the number of golfers who came out to play despite torrential downpours was the amount of money they raised for cancer – a grand sum of $11,244.87.

  • To welcome students back to school, the community of Fall River gathered around local public schools to give the students "thumbs up" as they kick off the new school year. Tatiana, President of Liberty Massachusetts, as well as other Liberty employees gathered together in the rain with hundreds of other community members to show the kids we are all routing for them! We wish them a great year of fun and learning!

  • On Saturday, June 24th, Liberty - Massachusetts employees upheld their longstanding tradition of supporting the Fall River Chapter of the American Cancer Society through participating in the annual Relay For Life event in Fall River. While the “Liberty For All” team had nine walkers, other Liberty team members and their friends and family joined together to walk in honor of a former Liberty employee and longtime friend, Mark Nassiff, who passed just recently from cancer.

    In addition to the Relay For Life event, Liberty employees work throughout the year to raise additional funds to support the American Cancer Society. To date, Liberty has raised more than $17,950 for the American Cancer Society, a number that shattered the annual team goal of $5,000.

  • On Tuesday, June 6, a team of Liberty employees attended the Academy of Women Achievers Celebration in Boston - YW Boston’s largest annual fundraiser. All proceeds from the event support YW Boston’s programs to eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. Tatiana Roc, President, MA, also sits on YW Boston's Board of Directors. For more information on YW Boston, click here.

  • Over Memorial Day weekend, Liberty had the pleasure of participating in the Memorial Day parades in both Blackstone and Swansea. It means so much to show our respect for fallen soldiers with the rest of our community. Thank you for having us.

  • Two Liberty employees recently appeared on local radio station WHTB – 1400am and 93.7fm (the area's local Portuguese radio station). The entire segment was done in Portuguese and covered a number of topics, including our Gas System Enhancement Program (GSEP), DigSafe, Energy Efficiency, and Liberty in the community. They did an excellent job explaining the work that is happening, particularly in the Columbia Street neighborhood.

  • Three days, three cities, 12 hours, and 17 Liberty employees took to the streets of southern Massachusetts to keep our communities clean this past week. In honor of Earth Day, the group participated in clean-up events in Westport, at Industrial Park in Fall River, and a beach clean-up in Swansea. The group, along with other volunteers and Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan, collected 30 bags of trash and debris. With each bag weighing eight pounds, that equates to 240 pounds of litter being removed from our communities. 

    A few MA employees also ventured to New Hampshire to help our employees up north get ready for planting season at the NH Foodbank Production Garden.The production garden provides fresh produce for the Recipe for Success Culinary Job Training program, the Cooking Matters® program, and for distribution to NH food banks.

    We take pride in protecting, preserving, and supporting our communities through events and initiatives like these town clean-ups. Thank you to the leaders within our communities who organize these events and give us the opportunity to serve.

  • Liberty MA Gas employee is switching things up and choosing to take her electric bicycle to work on days with sunny and clear skies. Alyssa bought her bicycle in February and has been riding a few days each week – with no plans to stop as we move into the spring and summer months. Facilities even got in on the game by installing a bike rack at the office and ensuring there was a designated area for anyone else who wanted to join the trend!

Past News 

Category: residential media release

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