In early February, Massachusetts experienced record-breaking cold temperatures that put Liberty’s natural gas distribution system to the test. Despite a large increase in gas usage from customers to keep their homes and business warm, Liberty’s system performed exceptionally well.
The ability of the system to continue providing customers with safe and reliable service can largely be attributed to Liberty’s commitment to complete upgrades to our underground gas piping as part of the Gas System Enhancement Program (GSEP).
“Extremely cold and sustained temperatures like the ones experienced have the potential to really disrupt gas service to customers. While it may not be something we experience often, we are committed to ensuring our customers have constant access to natural gas” said Tatiana Roc, President, Liberty - Massachusetts.
To continue the quest for optimal performance, Liberty intends to resume construction activities on their natural gas distribution system beginning in early March. In addition to improving reliability, these improvements will also reduce methane emissions.
Work is scheduled to begin the week of March 20th in the Columbia Street neighborhood in Fall River. Liberty recognizes this project may cause some inconvenience for residents, businesses, and commuters. We will do our best to minimize disruption and keep communities informed.
“We realize that street construction in a busy city like Fall River can be intrusive and frustrating for residents and visitors. The improvements we are making to our gas distribution system will enhance safety and reliability and will ensure customers have access to natural gas when they need it most,” said Roc.
Some other projects that will take place in Fall River over the 2023 construction season include:
• The Abbot Court Playground area - Birch St (Bay St to S. Main St)
• Bedford St area including Bedford St (N. Main St to Robeson St) and many side streets
• Ferry St (Columbia St area) including Columbia St, Hope St, Rodman St and many side streets
• Globe St (between Bay St and S. Main St) and many side streets
• Quequechan Preserve Area -Judson St and York St
• N. Main St area - Between Wilson Rd and Rt79 overpass including many side streets
• The Oak Grove Cemetery neighborhood (east) including Locust St (Ratcliffe St to N. Eastern Ave) and side streets
• The Cook Pond area including Kilburn St, Tripp St, Tuttle and side streets
Liberty performs this work in compliance with local, state and federal regulations, and all projects are subject to Department of Public Utilities oversight. Liberty also works closely with local municipal officials to coordinate GSEP work with their own infrastructure improvement projects, such as new water and sewer mains and road reconstruction, to minimize disruptions. Liberty and its subcontractors carry photo identification for verification.
If customers or residents have questions about the construction work taking place in 2023, Please contact Liberty at 1-800-544-4944. Updates and information will be available at as well as on Twitter and Facebook.